The Club HOA, October 11th, 2022

Board members in attendance: Nathan Peters, Audrey Neville, Brock Saylor


·       We have secured bids on xeriscaping the front park strips and are looking to proceed with our current landscape company with estimated completion this fall


·       The Board received revised estimates from M2 Building Systems on our new entry readers and we’re checking with one other contractor before moving forward

·       We’re following up with a new electrician to hardwire our landscape lighting at the front of the building

·       The Board is evaluating pricing for on-site security services to perform sweeps at night



·       Following feedback from our survey, we are proceeding with leasing the spaces in the overflow parking area. We are looking to install posts at each spot to align with parking hang tags for inside the corresponding vehicle. Effective date is expected to be November 1st and The Board will communicate this via email to all owners. The proceeds will be used to fund the general HOA account.

·       The Board will be meeting with Mayor Mendenhall at our building next week to discuss neighborhood concerns and future area planning


The next monthly HOA meeting will be Tuesday, November 8th at 4pm, conducted over Zoom.


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