June 13th, 2023

Board members in attendance: Nathan Peters, Audrey Neville, Brock Saylor


·       Entry system update

o  We are building the database for the new entry system and will have fobs available for pickup in the office next week on Tuesday and Thursday from 4pm-7pm

o  The install for the new system is expected to be June 26th-30th

o  We will email owners with further info next week


·       Additional plants were placed in the front landscape

·       Water heaters in common areas have been checked

·       HVAC units in common areas were reviewed—we are coordinating with Redrock HVAC on units in need of repair

·       Glass Recycling—we will be getting 2 bins from Momentum Recycling for glass recycling on site

·       Roof Estimates—we have additional bids from contractors scheduled over the next 2 weeks

·       The electrical outlets have been removed from the front landscape area near the building to avoid passersby from using them

·       Additional entry mats have been placed in the lobby

The next monthly HOA meeting will be Tuesday, July 11th at 4pm, conducted over Zoom.

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