The Club HOA, October 19th 2020

Board members in attendance: Nathan Peters, Lani Perkins, Zach Burgess

Guest: Jann Levitre


·       Electronic Fobs—we consulted our locksmith and he brought potential fire hazard concerns with placing another fob on stairwell doors

·       A generator system to power our garage doors, fob systems, and stairwell lights would cost approximately $5,000. The Board will evaluate this further once we receive final pricing.

·       Lobby Remodel

o  Our interior designer will coordinate the project

o  Painting should start the first week of November

§ We will view paint samples in the coming weeks

o  We will likely issue assessments on a pro-rata basis not to exceed $500 per unit

·       Tree removal remains scheduled for the end of the month for the blue spruce on the north side of the building

·       Our roofing company will complete their roof inspection this fall ahead of winter


·       We’ve refreshed the entry code of certain delivery services/maintenance

·       Scott spoke with the security services for the 257 building that is southwest of The Club

o  They are consulting with their management on sharing this service and we’d share part of the cost

·       We’re still exploring new locks/keys with our locksmith for exterior doors and stairwells

·       The motion sensor light will be installed next week in the northwest corner of the parking area.


Move in/move out:

·       Using the round-about is acceptable for shorter deliveries/loading

·       You can also use the extra section of concrete at the south garage exit

o  This allows plenty of room for people to still exit the garage

The next monthly HOA meeting will be Tuesday, November 10th at 4pm, conducted over Zoom. 

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