Annual HOA meeting 2018
March 27, 2018
Board members in attendance: JH, JM, and JG.
Property Manager Scott Dastrup was also in attendance.
JA welcomed everyone, followed by JG reading the minutes from the March 21, 2017 annual meeting.
1. James provided an overview of 2017 finances.
2. Scott added an explanation that the Net Income shown on the Pro Forma statement is rolled
In to savings, and the two scheduled repairs for 2018.
3. JA covered the following reminders, and provided more detailed information for 2018
scheduled projects:
A. Garage Interior Wall painting, which may be postponed, depending on costs of security
B. 3rd floor common area paint touch up.
C. Security
D. Bids are being sought to procure a new cleaning company to improve cleanliness.
E. Recycling. Friendly reminders concerning breaking down boxes, contents, and new
sign-up sheet for weekly volunteering, rather than monthly.
4. Other Business discussed:
A. Bettina Graupe, and Carol Thomas voiced concern about snow melt from top of building
falling on balconies, etc. Scott will investigate.
B. JA reminded attendees about being mindful of neighbors below when performing
the following on balconies: plant watering; cleaning; throwing debris, etc. She will be
distributing a new copy of the House Rules.
C. Twinkle Chisholm voiced concern about the front door. Attendees were reminded to pull the door closed after leaving or entering. The Board will consider the proposal to post a professionally prepared sign containing that reminder.
The Board will take this under consideration.
The meeting was adjourned, and Voting & Election proxies were collected.
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