The Club Annual HOA Meeting, March 9th, 2022
Board members in attendance: Nathan Peters, Audrey Neville
Attendees: Scott Dastrup, Jeremy Ferre, Brent Anderson, Charles Falls, Amy Falls, Bettina Graupe, Jeff and Connie Green, Aileen Palmer, Judi Voye, Maung Maung, Richard Holubkov, Craig Schriber, Bahar Ferguson, Neil Vander Most, Glenn Prestwich, Liz Foxley, Mitchell Jones, Kael Russell, Viviane Consoni, Kaye Hansen
· The Club recorded positive net income of $16,785 for 2021.
· Checking account balance as of Dec 31st 2021 was $44,770. Our savings balance was $128,568.94
· Projects for 2021—the highlight was completion of our lobby remodel
· We covered the 10-year pro-forma. Highlights include:
o 2022 projects
o 2nd floor comprehensive drywall repair and paint
o Reseal 2nd floor balcony surfaces
o Dryer duct cleaning
o Building security upgrade
o Building inspection
o Roof repair/replace has been shifted to 2023 as our annual inspection found no further issues
· Noted that Steve Murray with RedRock Heating and Cooling is our building’s expert for air conditioning. Scott will update our list of preferred contractors and we will post those to the website.
· We continue to follow up with our elevator service company for necessary repairs
· Window caulking inspection was scheduled for last year and we will evaluate having that done this year
· Trees have been ordered for the front of the building and we expect those to be planted this spring
· Questions on charging stations for electric vehicles for the garage were raised—the board has discussed this previously. In the past, electrical outlets were installed at owners’ expense, with an additional $50 per month fee for power usage.
· We will explore getting additional recycling bins, particularly on the south side of the garage
· Security system considerations—we are receiving an evaluation of our security system for potential upgrades, and we’ll evaluate pricing options that are provided
· We discussed parking at the building and use of guest parking—we will send a survey to owners to gather thoughts/proposals on how the space is used.
· Meeting was adjourned