The Club HOA, August 11th, 2020

Board members in attendance: Nathan Peters, Lani Perkins


·       Fob Blitz—we’ve completed the fob blitz and wiped out the fobs that were unaccounted for.

·       The motion light for the northwest corner of the garage is estimated to cost $800-$900

·       Cushman Wakefield, the building managers for the 257 Tower southwest of The Club, is connecting with their security service to explore sharing security service

·       We’re following up with landscaping companies on bids for pyracantha for the rear fencing


·       Lobby Remodel—we’re reaching back out to our interior designer to resume coordination for the remodel, potentially targeting completion by end of year

·       Carpet cleaning has been completed

·       The remaining garage ceiling areas that were damaged have been repaired

·       Window washing—we’ve followed up with the window washing company on cleaning the elevated 4th floor windows above balconies—they are willing to clean them permitted they can access the units. Scott will reach out to the company to confirm availability and then coordinated with owners.

The next monthly HOA meeting will be Tuesday, September 8th at 4pm, conducted over Zoom.

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