2024 Club Annual Meeting 3/12/2024

Scott Ingham opened the meeting and covered the agenda. There was a bit of delay due to audio difficulties with Scott Dastrup on Zoom.

First item on agenda: discussion of Profit and Loss Statement, comparing 2022 with 2023. 

In 2022.ground maintenance was completed of front landscaping (including rocks) at cost of $13,000.

Cost of new security system was $15,000.

In 2023, costs for elevator increased by $5000. Load test of elevator was done by the state. Contract being changed from KONE Elevator to Carson elevator in effort to reduce costs.

Money was used from the reserve account for the HVAC system. Money from the special assessment will be used to replenish this account.

Overall cost of our electricity and water should decrease when this project is completed.

Anyone with unit still needing update of their individual HVAC units should contact Scott Dastrup by email as discount is available at time of the larger HVAC project. 

Short discussion of 10 cent charge for Google internet cost.

Roof repair may be due in next 12-18 months. 

Plan is to review budget and plan for the next 10 years in effort to make sure our HOA dues cover costs without need for large special assessments.

Scott Ingham has agreed to run for HOA board for another term. Position on the board was also opened up for anyone else wanting to run. Scott Dastrup will send out email to people not attending the Zoom meeting for their votes, as there was not a quorum present at the meeting.

HOA board positions

If voted in, Scott Ingham will serve term ending in April 2027.

Brent Anderson’s term is until March of 2026

Jean Stephenson has term ending in August of 2025

These terms are cycled so one person at a time is replaced each year.

Central City Neighborhood Council meets every 1st Wednesday of the month at 6pm. Brent Anderson has been attending these meetings and everyone is encouraged to become involved. Check this out online or contact Brent.

Scott Dastrup will bring his pressure washer to remove orange paint on rocks and concrete in the front after the city project is completed. 

Concern voiced about standing water on balconies and possible corrosion on railings. Scott Dastrup will assess this further, especially with unit 315.

Meeting adjourned

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