The Club HOA, November 9th, 2021

Board members in attendance: Nathan Peters, Audrey Neville, Carol Thomas



·        We are coordinating with McNeil Engineering on structural engineering evaluation—that should take place the last week of the month

·        We have options for trees out front from our Nursey—we will plan on planting columnar purple beech trees in the spring

·        Our roof inspection hasn’t been completed as our inspector is behind—we expect it to be done this week

·        We will be changing furnace filters and transitioning to heat in common areas

·        Sprinklers have been winterized


·        Our door company has confirmed that adding additional security to existing elevators and doors would be very difficult—we will ask them to review potential options for larger scale upgrades/replacements


·        Parking—given challenges with overflow/guest parking being persistently full, we encourage residents with multiple vehicles to consider off-site parking options

Resources—we encourage residents to leverage the below contacts for neighborhood issues where relevant:

·        Non-emergency dispatch: 801-799-3000

·        SLC Ambassadors for non-emergency mental health/loitering: 801-541-0434

·        Magnolia front desk: 385-252-3160

·        Investment Realty Advisors (buildings to the north) emergency line: 801-528-4557


The next monthly HOA meeting will be December 7th at 4pm conducted over Zoom

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